by Jim Kemish
The Full Potential of Credit Repair
Credit repair can eliminate many of the bothersome errors on your credit report. This is an exciting and wonderful thing, but it is only half the benefit that a properly implemented strategy is capable of delivering, and to neglect the true potential of credit repair is to sell yourself short. Go the extra mile and you will see your scores reach unexpected heights and your credit report become so attractive to lenders that you will be able to secure the best, low cost financing available. Your credit is far too important to settle for anything less than the best.
The Power of New Credit
Everyone loves to watch negative items get deleted from their credit reports. It is liberating and exciting, but by itself it may not do much to raise your credit scores. Your credit scores do not have natural resilience. In other words, the absence of derogatory information on your report may eliminate the dead weight that was holding your scores down, but without positive credit to create loft, they will remain dormant like a deflated balloon awaiting inflation. You must have positive open accounts to provide this loft. Without positive credit your credit repair endeavor, and scores, are sure to disappoint.
The Right Type of Credit
If you do not have open accounts that are reporting in a positive manner you should remedy that state of affairs immediately. Building new credit is essential to your credit repair success, but not all forms of credit will benefit your scores, and some will be downright harmful. For the right outcome, stick with MasterCard and Visa. American Express and Discover are also fine, but harder to get and less widely accepted, so choose wisely. If you cannot get approved for standard cards, you should apply for secured cards. They are inexpensive, every bit as valuable and you will not get denied. Avoid store cards and consumer debt, like furniture store loans catalog credit lines. The FICO scoring model carries a bias against this type of debt and your scores will suffer.
The Importance of Balance Management
For the right credit repair results you must keep a close eye on your revolving balances. This cannot be stressed enough. Your scores will swing wildly based on your balances. Many people make the mistake of getting a couple of new secured credit cards and running them up to their limit. The intention in getting the card was right, but letting the balances run up can cost over 100 points. This is an easy error to make, especially if the limits on the secured cards are low. Credit repair requires diligence. Watch those balances!
Patience and Victory
Once you start your credit repair process you must be patient. The credit bureaus are required to process your disputes, but they do not do so willingly. The systems they have set up to manage the voluminous number of dispute letters they receive are designed to move the letters through the system with little emphasis on accuracy. Do not get flustered if your initial complaint gets ignored or denied. Remain calm and keep sending your request until you are satisfied. Statistically, the odds are that they will eventually process your credit repair request properly.
The Strength of Savings
In our experience those that start a credit repair program simultaneously with a small savings plan are most like to succeed. Unexpected events will arise. And with these events often come expenses. If your budget is too tight you will find that these occurrences stress your ability to make your payments on time, and suddenly you will find another new late payment on your credit report. Do not put your credit at risk. Find a way to start a savings plan. Budget for it. It will provide a buffer in hard times and insure that your credit repair results are safe.
Credit Repair Resources
Confused or overwhelmed by the prospects of investing the time needed to launch your credit repair effort properly? Do not be discouraged and do not give up. Nothing is more important. If you cannot handle it on your own, find a reputable credit repair service to take up the cause on your behalf. Do a little homework, check out the options, interview your top choices and make your decision. A professional credit repair company will insure that the job is done right. You will succeed!
Copyright © 2009 James W. Kemish. All Content. All Rights Reserved.
About the Author
Jim Kemish is the president and founder of Sky Blue Credit Repair, a leading credit repair service. Sky Blue Credit has been dedicated to providing intelligent customized credit solutions since 1989.
The Full Potential of Credit Repair
Credit repair can eliminate many of the bothersome errors on your credit report. This is an exciting and wonderful thing, but it is only half the benefit that a properly implemented strategy is capable of delivering, and to neglect the true potential of credit repair is to sell yourself short. Go the extra mile and you will see your scores reach unexpected heights and your credit report become so attractive to lenders that you will be able to secure the best, low cost financing available. Your credit is far too important to settle for anything less than the best.
The Power of New Credit
Everyone loves to watch negative items get deleted from their credit reports. It is liberating and exciting, but by itself it may not do much to raise your credit scores. Your credit scores do not have natural resilience. In other words, the absence of derogatory information on your report may eliminate the dead weight that was holding your scores down, but without positive credit to create loft, they will remain dormant like a deflated balloon awaiting inflation. You must have positive open accounts to provide this loft. Without positive credit your credit repair endeavor, and scores, are sure to disappoint.
The Right Type of Credit
If you do not have open accounts that are reporting in a positive manner you should remedy that state of affairs immediately. Building new credit is essential to your credit repair success, but not all forms of credit will benefit your scores, and some will be downright harmful. For the right outcome, stick with MasterCard and Visa. American Express and Discover are also fine, but harder to get and less widely accepted, so choose wisely. If you cannot get approved for standard cards, you should apply for secured cards. They are inexpensive, every bit as valuable and you will not get denied. Avoid store cards and consumer debt, like furniture store loans catalog credit lines. The FICO scoring model carries a bias against this type of debt and your scores will suffer.
The Importance of Balance Management
For the right credit repair results you must keep a close eye on your revolving balances. This cannot be stressed enough. Your scores will swing wildly based on your balances. Many people make the mistake of getting a couple of new secured credit cards and running them up to their limit. The intention in getting the card was right, but letting the balances run up can cost over 100 points. This is an easy error to make, especially if the limits on the secured cards are low. Credit repair requires diligence. Watch those balances!
Patience and Victory
Once you start your credit repair process you must be patient. The credit bureaus are required to process your disputes, but they do not do so willingly. The systems they have set up to manage the voluminous number of dispute letters they receive are designed to move the letters through the system with little emphasis on accuracy. Do not get flustered if your initial complaint gets ignored or denied. Remain calm and keep sending your request until you are satisfied. Statistically, the odds are that they will eventually process your credit repair request properly.
The Strength of Savings
In our experience those that start a credit repair program simultaneously with a small savings plan are most like to succeed. Unexpected events will arise. And with these events often come expenses. If your budget is too tight you will find that these occurrences stress your ability to make your payments on time, and suddenly you will find another new late payment on your credit report. Do not put your credit at risk. Find a way to start a savings plan. Budget for it. It will provide a buffer in hard times and insure that your credit repair results are safe.
Credit Repair Resources
Confused or overwhelmed by the prospects of investing the time needed to launch your credit repair effort properly? Do not be discouraged and do not give up. Nothing is more important. If you cannot handle it on your own, find a reputable credit repair service to take up the cause on your behalf. Do a little homework, check out the options, interview your top choices and make your decision. A professional credit repair company will insure that the job is done right. You will succeed!
Copyright © 2009 James W. Kemish. All Content. All Rights Reserved.
About the Author
Jim Kemish is the president and founder of Sky Blue Credit Repair, a leading credit repair service. Sky Blue Credit has been dedicated to providing intelligent customized credit solutions since 1989.
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